- Programming:
- "The C Programming Language"
Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritche
ISBN: 83-204-2719-3
- "Beginning Linux Programming"
Neil Matthew, Richard Stones
ISBN: 83-7243-020-9
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Mark Mitchell, Jeffrey Oldham, Alex Samuel
ISBN: 83-7243-217-1
- "Professional Linux Programming"
Neil Matthew, Richard Stones
ISBN: 83-7197-495-7
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Robert Love
ISBN: 83-7361-439-7
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- "Introduction to Algorithms"
Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein
ISBN: 83-204-2879-3
- "Data Structures and Algorithms"
Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft, Jeffrey D. Ullman
ISBN: 83-7361-177-0
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Alfred V. Aho, John E. Hopcroft, Jeffrey D. Ullman
ISBN: 83-7197-770-0
- "Programming Pearls"
John Bentley
ISBN: 83-204-2672-8
- "Języki Programowania"
ToMasz Wierzbicki
Symbol Uniwersalnej Klasyfikacji Dziesiętnej: 004.43
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 68N15
- "Operating System Concepts"
Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne
ISBN: 83-204-2961-7
- "Principles of Concurrent and Distributed Programming"
M. Ben-Ari
ISBN: 83-204-1996-4
- "Hacker's Delight"
Henry S. Warren, Jr.
ISBN: 83-7361-220-3
- Software engineering:
- "The Art of UNIX Programming"
Eric S. Raymond
ISBN: 83-7361-419-2
- "The Pragmatic Programmer"
Andrew Hunt, David Thomas
ISBN: 83-204-2672-3
- "Writing solid code"
Steve Maguire
ISBN: 83-7197-429-9
- "The Mythical Man-Month"
Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
ISBN: 83-204-2467-4
- "The Practice of Programming"
Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike
ISBN: 83-204-2732-0
- "Extreme Programming. Pocket Guide"
Ward Cunningham
ISBN: 83-7361-343-9
- "Inżynieria Oprogramowania"
Andrzej Jaszkiewicz
ISBN: 83-7197-007-2
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