A Network Analyzer and Traffic Logger.

netrafl Issues

There are still many things that can be done to improve netrafl and configuration files. It has some minor bugs, or features that due to lack of time couldn't be done yet.
  • change config files technology to mmap again - First of all, mmap technology had to be changed because of instability of config files implementation. Still I don't know what caused it, I think that mmaping is really interesting subject and I'm sure it will be brought back to project. Although new implementation is more stable, operating on mapped file is much more faster, and more elegant way of file access. This could cause logging more data in shorter time, and less CPU usage.

  • logging ipstat and connstat into database (PostgreSQL) - Ipstat and connstat can't be logged as ifstat or macstat. There is one reason. Simply, in short period of time, there will be too many data to log. So the machine, on which netrafl runs could slow down seriously. The idea to solve this problem is professional database, for example PostgreSQL. It is designed to store large amount of data, and has very optimal implementation of inserting, deleting and searching operations. At first, logging supposed to be done in the way as ifstat and macstat is done. But problems with configuration files (change the technology to slower one, to be precise) forced me to forbid logging writers, which generate too many data.

  • some minor bugs related with user privileges - There is a bug occurring sometimes, when user is trying to insert or delete data from configuration file without root privileges.


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Copyright © 2005, M.K., T.J., M.S.
netraf is Open Source software, distributed under the terms of the New BSD License. activity involved