netrafg Issues
Things that will be done in near future. They aren't implemented
now because lack of time. Options and features mentioned below are grown up during
netrafg creation process.
Every major assumptions that we've made at the begin of our work are implemented now.
So, here follows details to do:
- search facilities in every writer window,
- sort facilities in every writer window (by IP-addr, MAC, interface etc...),
- resizing writer windows,
- miscellaneous key-bindings (eg. [shift]+[tab], correct [esc] key operation,
[alt]+letter menu calls...),
- more configuration dialogs (screen refreshes, saving actual desktop state...),
- increase security (it is sufficient to have only one daemon that requires
root privileges - netrafd.
netrafg, and
netrafl can obtain needed
permissions - via some simple autenthication method - for operations that
really need them and just after such operation get rid of them),
- more user-conveniences (e.g. when creating new writer it will be nice to
have "default" name given to it),
- add "filtering" to GUI "view" options (we're talking only about
filtering at GUI level, not about "filters" mechanism implemented in
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